Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sabean is Dumber Than I Thought
I'm trying very hard to see the bright side in this. I'm squinting.
What Kind of Traitor is Juan Uribe?
We could compare Juan Uribe to other sports traitors. Johnny Damon jumps to mind as a classic comparison. Lebron James is probably an over-reaction although at least he didnt' leave Cleveland for its arch-rival (which is, um, Youngstown State, I think). On the other hand, John Buck leaving Toronto for the Marlins is probably an under-reaction.
Instead, I think we should explore the world of movies to determine just what kind of traitor Juan Uribe really is.
Keyzer Soze - The Usual Suspects
On principle, I won't reveal who Keyzer Soze really is because this movie is way too awesome to be ruined. But picture a group of people all fighting for survival as a unit, overcoming lots of long odds (think bad hitting or, say, the feds), only to find out that they've been played by an international crime lord in their midst who then pretty much, well, kills them all.
Uribe-Meter: Too heavy. Unless Pablo ends up with a steak knife in his back and Huff has an "accident" while fishing off San Pedro.
Message: If somebody tells you that you can make a lot of money by robbing a ship full of cocaine and killing a bunch of Hungarian and/or Argentinian drug runners, you should probably tell them you're busy.
Secondary Thought: What if Uribe grew his hair out like that picture of Soze? How awesome would that be?
GOLLUM - Lord of the Rings
This is the kind of traitor who drags it out to the end....is he with us or against us? Look, he's so cute! He's eating a fish! Oh crap he's trying to throw me into the fires of Mount Doom! So it works in a way. It's like Uribe was walking around pretending not to be able to speak english, wearing his cool yellow hair, hitting homeruns, kickin ass, and then suddenly he turns to us and says "Filthy Giantesesses. Uribe will take the precious!"
Uribe-Meter: Eh. It only works if he later reveals that he only stayed with us last year because he wanted a "ring" and that he wanted to be a Dodger all along.
Message: If you're not sure whether to trust your best friend or a bizarre creature who keeps trying to kill you, you probably shouldn't be entrusted with the ring of power.
Secondary Message: If you can photo shop a picture of Juan Uribe eating a fish with his teeth, I will make you Vice President of my blog.
Elsa the Nazi - Indiana Jones
You're super into this woman, and she's super hot (although that picture doesn't really do her justice...she looks more like some people my grandfather hung out with in Scottsdale). Things are going well. No, wait, she's a Nazi and she's going to try to kill you and your dad, who by the way is Sean Connery. How cool is that? Maybe next time go for that chick you met on Cupid.com.
Robert the Bruce Jr. - Braveheart

Well, the problem with this one is that Robert the Bruce Jr. comes around in the end. Turns out, he's the narrator the whole time! Crazy! So this would only work if Uribe goes to the Dodgers, spends like 3 days there, and then yells at his agent, straps on his old Giants uniform and some badass cleats, and then runs at Matt Kemp with a sword and screams "FREEDOM!" Not likely. More likely is that he is Robert the Bruce, but not, sadly, Jr.
CYPHER - The Matrix
PETER PETTIGREW - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Monday, November 29, 2010
Breaking News: Juan Uribe About To Break Our Hearts
with the...
I'm sorry. I'm having trouble saying it.
With these losers:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Offseason Preview Continued: The Bullpen
1. Lights-Out: When they give up a run, you're shocked. When you have to face them, you're pretty much sure that you're going to get shut down, especially when you're sending up a bunch of goobers like Nate Schierholtz, Mike Fontenot, and Travis Ishikawa. Isn't that who batted in pretty much every 9th inning for the Giants this year?
2. Specialist: The lefty you bring in to face lefties. He's great, but you can't bring him in to just pitch an inning. Only if the opponents' 89 year old manager is silly enough to bat his two lefty stars back to back in the lineup even though he knows you, Mr. Specialist, are going to strike them both out on 87mph sliders.
3. Hard-throwing Psychopath: This guy really brings the heat. 98, 99. But he's not a closer. Or a starter. Or even a set-up man. Why? Because between pitches he prays to a Chilean Rooster Deity and he can't throw strikes and his other pitch, a slideycurveychange, usually gets hit about 800 feet.
4. Trickeration Dude: This guy can't throw harder than 90, but he starts his windup with his head between his knees, his pitches break the wrong direction, and his "fastball" drops like 4 feet. But when he hangs a pitch....
5. Mr. Whitey McAverage: Every team has one of these guys. Fastball at 90. Average curveball. Average changeup. Average facial hair. Teams pitch these guys when they run out of the other four categories.
So the Giants have a Category 1 (WILSON)
A Category 2 (LOPEZ)
A Category 3 (CASILLA)
A Category 4 (ROMO)
A Category 5 (RAY)
They have Ramirez, who is 5 at his worst and some combination of 2/3/4 at his best.
They have Affeldt who is either 2 or 5 depending on how he's pitching.
They have Runzler who is 5 until he puts it together at which point he will be a starter and we will pay him $140 million over 7 years.
And Mota, who is too old to fit into any of the categories. Actually he's category 6.
6. Guys who are so old and have pitched for so many teams that if you tried to guess all the teams they played for you would forget like 7 teams.
The bottom line is that the Giants are set in the bullpen if they can bring back Lopez. And they should bring back Casilla (both are arbitration eligible). Same with Ramon Ramirez who struggled in the playoffs but had a .68 era with the Giants in the regular season and has nasty stuff. In some ways, the bullpen discussion is even more boring than the rotation discussion because we can't make fun of Zito.
Mota is a free agent and should be allowed to walk. Ray is arbitration eligible and I think the Giants will bring him back though he struggled. Sabes: just because he's all you got for Bengie Molina doesn't mean we have to keep him around. What we got by trading Bengie Molina was, oh, I dont' know, a Rookie of the Year catcher, a new star, a world championship, lots of wins...I dont' think Chris Ray is what made that deal a success. But whatever.
Who am I to argue? After all, I love pitchers with two first names. Like Brian Wilson. And, um, Jeremy Affeldt.
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Thanksgiving Poem
First off, Ian Kennedy's the best
Even though his team was worst in the West
The word for cool is "Chad Durban"
if you look it up in the dictionary that is Urban
Joe Blanton is kinda chubby
and my friend Becky wishes Cole Hamels was her hubby
What really I must truly ponder
Is how the Padres lost to Joe Saunders
Kennedy again, like the 60's, yo
Barry Enright's momma admits he's a bit slow
But what really must have left the Hairstons shook
is losing at home to Aaron Cook
Jason Hammel was next to whip
the lovable losable Padres ship
Finally the last was Jorge De La Rosa
Nothing rhymes with that. Seriously. I spent like 15 minutes on this. I'm stopping now.
Yesterday I told Jamie that I had contacted Brandon Belt regarding a possible exclusive interview with our blog.
"What did you say?"
Me: "I said we were a new blog but that.."
Jamie: "Wait. Who is 'we'?"
Me: "The blog."
Jamie: "But it's just you."
Me: "Well.....yeah."
Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us here at 24 Days of Magic.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Off-Season Preview Continued: Starting Pitching
I think our starting pitchers next year will be the guy with two cy youngs, the guy who gave up zero earned runs in the playoffs, the other guy who gave up zero earned runs in the playoffs (because he didn't pitch...hee hee), the rookie who threw a shutout in the world series and didn't allow a runner to reach 2nd base, and the guy who had the lowest batting average against in the National League.
Is there some mystery here I'm not thinking of?
The only issue is in what order they are going to pitch. Notice how I did not dangle my participle. This is unlike a certain left-handed pitcher who dangled way too many participles last year, usually around belt-high. But I gramatically digress. Although I generally feel like going lefty-righty-lefty is overblown, I do understand why throwing three lefties in a row might be stupid. But at the same time, maybe it's fiendishly clever. Or rather, maybe fiendishly clever at the same time it is. I totally nailed that sentence.
Think about it.
You're a boring National League Team. Maybe the Pittsburgh Astros, or the Milwaukee Reds. You are playing the Giants. And guess what? You missed out on Timmy and Matt Cain! Nice work! Completely makes up for the fact that you've had 18 straight losing seasons or you've been rebuilding for like 6 years now or you have three good hitters and no good pitchers and you are forever associated with Bud Selig or you are formerly owned by a Nazi who once kicked your best pitcher off the team plane because he was injured and space was needed for the Nazi owner's stuffed dog.
So the first day, you face a lefty who throws 92, occasionally walks five people in a row, but is completely unhittable. And then the next day you face a lefty again so you're thinking hey, this is great. I'm comfortable now. But he throws 94, never walks people, and has a nasty slider. And then in game 3 you face another lefty, but this one throws 86, has a crazy curveball, and plays guitar.
I think Bochy should do it. He probably won't. He'll find some lefty to be the #2 starter instead of Cain and somehow it will end up being Zito. Or Rowand. Zito or Rowand. When you're CHAMPIONS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD, I guess you have to find something to complain about.
So that's our starting five. We're like a national championship college basketball team and we have everybody back. And nobody is leaving early to go pro. And nobody got lured by an agent into a deal that involved Tim Floyd pulling up to a Rodeo Drive coffee shop in a black escalade and handing an envelope stuffed with cash to an associate of rap mogul Master P. I think I got that story right. Checking....and....yep, nailed it.
Important 24 Hours of Magic News:
Today, this blog received a page view from somebody in the Netherlands. This is highly momentous. And while I'm trying to figure out why somebody in the Netherlands would read this blog, or accidentally trip on it (you can't even find it if you google "24 days of magic andy giants weirdo way too into the giants semi-amateur blog thing"), I do want to give a shoutout to the great country of Holland and to this great person who read this blog.
Next up: The bullpen
Then: The lineup
Then: Hmmm. Will it be April at that point?
Today's Poll Question:
What was that Dutch guy/girl googling?
A) 24 Daays oof Majik
B) Waarom is Barry zito zo betaalde?
C) Mat Latos is enigszins van een verliezer en ziet iets Nederlands, ik schaam me te zeggen
D) Uh. Soccer?
Year 2: 10 million
Year 3: Either 10 million or Giants buy him out with 2 million opt-out.
This is good (Rally Thong is back!), bad (that's a lot of money to pay a guy who had one good year), and not unexpected. Huff and the Giants wanted each other. Huff wanted a lot of money, and Sabean likes to pay people a lot of money.
What did I just write, 85 words? That'll be $30,000. I accept paypal.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Matt Cain is Gangsta
Matt Cain is Gangsta.
first order of business: sign David Eckstein
I like it! As the old saying goes, "if you can't beat them by more than 2 games despite the fact that their 2nd best hitter is also their 2nd best Hairston, um, join them?"
If I were Brian Sabean (and I think we can all be glad that I am not), I would take the following actions over the off-season: First, I would pay Brian Wilson's playoff beard a ludicrous amount of money to play in the outfield, thus leaving Jayson Werth no choice but to stay with the Phillies. Further, I would start giving Bustey Poser, er, excuse me, Buster Posey, hormone injections so that he would hurry up and hit puberty already. Finally, I'd probably make sure to give Tiny Tim a hug every time he came into the room. Why? Because he'd either be totally into it and get all excited about hugging me because he's just a whippersnapper who needs to be hugged every once in a while, or (even better), he'd be totally weirded out by it and get increasingly uncomfortable every time I walked into the room and started heading in his direction.
Oh, and I'd get Pat Burrell to pluck his eyebrows to a reasonable size, because DAMN.
Um. This is what happens when you put a Phillies fan on your list. But this is a Phillies fan with a West Coast sense of humor. I like it. An east coast sense of humor would be a sign that reads "Hippy trash!" A west coast sense of humor is a sign that reads "NOBODY boos Santa Claus!" Insanely unfair generalization over.
If I was Brian Sabean I would lie in wait. Knowing how in sports, everyone tries to emulate the latest winner. If you win the super bowl with the west coast offense, every team will implement the west coast offense the following year. In this case all the baseball general managers will see how the Giants won with a sucky offense and will dump their best hitters in order to try to replicate the Giant's success. Sabean should be able to pick up these good hitters on the cheap. The other trend that will become very popular among managers is to not play your highest paid players. All this should work out very nicely for the giants next year.
This one is fiendishly smart. I like it even more than the signing Eckstein idea. Albert Pujols...7 years, $500,000 per. Come on down! Put on some orange and black! Oh, and stop going to Glen Beck rallies. Thanks.
Finally, and this is a longshot and risky: if the Panda doesn’t look like he is making progress in the offseason, and if Runzler looks like he can be a viable member of the rotation, consider packaging the Panda and Jonathan Sanchez for a young, healthy, good all-around SS or 3B, if one of them becomes available in trade.
This was this person's 7th point, and his first 6 were all right on. I like this deal. I would do it for Evan Longoria. And now that Tony Parker is out of the way, the marriage that God intended is now finally possible:
Evan and Eva Longoria. First couple of the San Francisco Giants. Be still, my heart...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Outfield. Schierholtz. Velez. Rowand. Done.
Baseball Tonight's Predictions: 2010 San Francisco Giants
Ravech 3rd in NL West | Olney 3rd in NL West | Kurkjian 3rd in NL West | Valentine 3rd in NL West | Boone 3rd in NL West | Showalter 4th in NL West |
Baseball Tonight's Predictions: 2010 Los Angeles Dodgers
Ravech 4th in NL West | Olney 2nd in NL West | Kurkjian 1st in NL West | Valentine 3rd in NL West | Boone 2nd in NL West | Showalter 1st in NL West |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"ROY" is French for King. Or Pancakes. One of those.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fun Friday
Ok, here goes. Without further adieu. The best 5 Giants regular season games of the year. Enjoy!
Oh wait. The video playlist on MLB.com only goes back to mid-August.
Ok, the BEST 5 GIANTS GAMES OF THE YEAR (after Aug 20)!
5. Giants vs. Rockies. September 1
4. Giants vs. Dodgers. September 4
3. Giants vs. Rockies, September 24
2. Giants vs. Rockies, September 26
1. Giants vs. Padres, October 3
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Let Panda Eat!
263 | .323 | .423 |
305 | .356 | .484 |

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Why I can't start, or stop, reading about the Giants
What I mean is, the awesomeness of this event is unparalelled. Don't believe me? See this handy chart: