I was at work when this happened. Not cool.

Speaking of pudgy, The Round Mound of Pound has apparently lost 17 pounds and is now down to a slim 228 (see Pablo Pound-o-Meter at right).
24 Days of Magic Nutrition Correspondent Ian Stumpf travelled to Arizona last week to get a copy of Pablo's daily routine. Pablo wasn't home, so he snuck in and stole a copy. Pablo, if you're reading this, move the key to the backdoor out from under the garden gnome and hide it somewhere else.
7am: Sleep
8am: Sleep
9am: Asks cook hired by Giants to please, please, not make another celery smoothie.
9:01am: No, seriously, you do not understand. I am going to die.
9:02am: How much are they paying you? I can pay you more.
9:03am: I am going to quit. You tell that a-hole Sabean that I don't want to play anymore.
9:04am: Please put the phone down, I was kidding.
9:06am: Drinks celery smoothie.
9:46am: Finishes celery smoothie.
9:47am to 10:56am: World of Warcraft
11am: Batting Practice.
11:08am: You can stop throwing me curveballs in the dirt. I'm not going to swing at them. Again.
Noon: Lunch! Excuse me, Mr. Chef, but I do not believe that the "B" in "BLT" stands for "bread."
1pm - 2pm: Answers fan mail. Practices different Panda-related signature. Settles on having the "O" in "Sandoval" be a Panda face.
2:01pm: Realizes he can't draw a panda face.
2:02pm: Asks chef if he knows how to draw.
2:03pm - 6pm: What do you mean each lap is only part of a mile?? This is making me want to throw you across the track but I will not be doing that because that would be exercise and that's what you want, you devil. Why do you think I do not run away when you come at me with the carrot-flavored milkshake? Hey, what is that? Stop. I will run away this time. But that is what you want! Alas, I am between a hard rock and a place.
6:10pm: Dinner! Making the broccoli in the shape of a panda does not make me happy. I thought you couldn't draw.
6:30pm - Midnight: Googles "Panda 2009 Awesome" while eating from hidden stash of Twinkies. Rues profound contradiction that is life.
A steady diet of celery smoothies and curves in the dirt is just the thing.
ReplyDeleteNow we need to *add* 17 pounds of strike zone judgment.