Exciting news!
Well, let's make this multiple choice.
Which of the following is true:
a) The Giants actually won the 2002 World Series. They just did a video replay and everything. Call on the field overturned. Give Dusty a ring!
b) Schierholtz for Ichiro. Straight up.
c) 24 Days of Magic has agreed to join the Bloguin network
This is why I said this news is exciting if you're me. I supposed all of you would like to think a) or b) is true. Sorry.
Seriously, to everyone who has read this site or supported it in any way, THANK YOU.
This move means:
a) The site will be designed professionally, and will no longer look as though somebody threw up a bunch of words onto a page, smeared them around, and threw orange paint at it.
b) I will probably start hanging out with Buster Posey and international fashion models on a semi-regular basis. I'll try to remember to post some stuff, but some of it may be written by my new personal assistant Igor who doesn't really have a knack for writing or, if we're honest, English.
(Igor wrote the following to me the other day: "dear sir i called hairy-faced thrower Wilson for talking but phone beeped. also your coffee is mostly on your pants.")
c) I will likely spend a lot of time saying "Bloguin. You know, Bloguin. Like a penguin, but like for bl....never mind."
d) The site will be far more interactive and exciting and cool.
I can't wait. It's a big step forward and I really appreciate all the support I've gotten as I've moved from "emails to friends" to "emails to friends and other people" to "blog that is mostly looked at by friends who I emailed" to now, the newest chapter: "blog that has picture of penguin at the top of the screen."
On a related note, how much cooler would Lou Seal be if he was Poppy Penguin instead? He could do that penguin-sliding-on-their-stomach-on-the-ice thing across the top of the dugout.
Just saying.
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