Friday, January 7, 2011

SAT Question of the Day

Do you get these in your email?

I think they're pretty cool.

JANUARY 7th, 2011
Reading Comprehension
Please read the following passage and then answer the question below

"We always wondered if Grandpa was a few NRA bumperstickers short of a Rockies tailgate party (if you know what I mean), but when he told us about the 2010 baseball season, we really started to worry that he was losing it. "That Bengie Mo-lina was one bad dude!" he said as we sat around the living room, watching the Tokyo Marlins battle the Mexico City Rays. "I tell you in the year 2010, that Bengie Mo-lina hit for the cycle! What a doozy! And then the Giants won the World Series!" We all laughed. "So what, Grandpa?" I said. "They win it every year! Seventy-two in a row now!" Grandpa rocked back and forth and smiled and then pulled out his iLife. "Gotta text Grandma to bring me some more puddin'," he said. "Back then, children, the Giants never won the World Series. But let me tell you a story. One day, we were watching the playoffs, and that manager of ours, Bob Bruceky, I think his name was, he brought in Sergio Romo to face that actor from King of Queens. I yelled at the TV, I did. 'Not Romo!' 'Why, Bruskansky, why? Why not that strange man with the beard! He's a doozy! Bring him in!' But did Bobsky listen to me? No. He brought in Romo anyway, and we nearly lost. Hold on, I gotta get on skype and tweet that woman about my puddin'."

Which of the following sentences is not correct?
a) Bengie Mo-lina hit for the cycle.
b) The Giants won the 2010 World Series
c) That strange man with the beard...he's a doozy
d) We nearly lost
e) All of these
f) None of these

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